marți, 24 ianuarie 2012

Velvet Wedding Invitations - Venetian Style / Invitatii de Nunta din Catifea - Stil Venetian

I'm so in love with these invitations!
Too bad, because although they have been designed as initial proposals for a future bride, they will not transmit any happy announcement, at least just yet.

So, starting from the inspirational picture, I've posted bellow I designed these wedding invitations using a nice shade of burgundy velvet enriched with golden accents.

When the future bride to be ask me for some models made out of velvet ,  the color of burgundy mixed with golden accents, I immediately thought of sumptuous interiors of old time palaces, Like those two in the image bellow:  The Versailles and The Wilanow( Czech Republic). Even the Peles Castle has one apartment  in this two colors: The Red Apartment.

The Bride also wanted to keep up the venetian wedding theme, so I found very appropriate the association of these masks, wich were cut entirely by hand and overlayed with a splash of gold.

I made two proposals, the difference between the two of them consisting in the price range, the amount of work, materials and  time, that I've spend doing them, the working method and some other minor details.
I trully believe that these invitations are so... like me :)

Pacat ca , desi au fost concepute ca si propuneri pentru o viitoare mireasa, ele nu vor putea inca transmite fericitul anunt. Ma vad nevoita sa explic asta intr-un alt post.Deci, pornind de la  tabloul de inspiratie de mai sus, am creat aceste invitatii, Mi-a placut mult ideea combinarii auriului cu visiniu; m-a dus cu gandul imediat la interioarele somptuoase ale palatelor ( in imagine palatele Versailles si Wilanow- Republica Ceha).
S-a dorit totusi pastrarea unei teme venetiene asa ca am gasit potrivita asocierea acestor masti, care au fost decupate integral de mana si innobilate cu "stropi de aur"

Am facut doua propuneri, diferenta intre ele costituind-o pretul si metoda de lucru, cantitatea de material si timp, metoda de lucru precum si unele mici detalii.
Chiar cred ca aceste invitatii sunt atat de... ca mine :))))))))

3 comentarii:

Meda spunea...

Wow! Nu am cuvinte!

Unknown spunea...

buna! Sunt superbesi mi-as dori si eu astfel de invitatii, imi poti da mai multe detalii te rog?
As vrea sa stiu pretul, dimensiunile si daca le-as putea vedea live inainte sa dau comanda

Natasa spunea...

contacteaza-ma te rog la tel 0740086632
sau la adresele de mail sau
Iti multumesc pentru aprecieri!

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