This post is about my time...
I have newer and grater resposabilities lately and yet I continue doing what I like most. This way some of you will have unique pieces of wedding stationery... some of you!
The others please take note:
- Please, do not ask me to copy!
-I do not require you to be very determined because I know what organizing a wedding means, but if you are reluctant from the very begining it will be very hard for me to figure out you really wish for.
-You are not making me a favor by contacting me, I'm not getting richer.
-If you do not appreciate the uniqueness of handmade, please turn your attention to other sites.
She is my beautiful responsability!
Aceasta postare este despre timpul meu...
Am atributii mai noi si mai mari in ultimul timp si totusi continui sa fac ce imi place cel mai mult. In acest fel cativa dintre voi vor avea piese unice de papetarie pentru nunta... unii dintre voi!
Ceilalti va rog luati aminte:
-va rog, nu imi cereti sa plagiez!
-nu va cer sa fiti foarte hotarati, pentru ca stiu ce inseamna organizarea unei nunti, dar daca sunteti refractari de la inceput imi va fi foarte greu sa-mi dau seama ce va doriti.
-nu imi faceti o favoare contactandu-ma, nu ma voi imbogati.
- daca nu apreciati unicitatea lucrului de mana, va rog orientati-va catre alte site-uri!
Un comentariu:
Vai, ce transant.
Uite, chiar in seara asta mi-as dori si eu sa spun cuiva cateva lucruri in felul asta, dar nu pot.
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