luni, 30 ianuarie 2012

Beach Wedding Invitation I / Invitatie Marina I

These invitations are some initial proposals that I've made for Alina, but Alexandra saw them and she just felt that they are perfectly matching her wedding theme. I have two more designs to show you so there will be more posts on this theme.These invitations have a very serene and clean style  which I happen to like very much.
Aceste invitatii sunt niste propuneri pe care le-am facut pentru Alina, dar Alexandra le-a vazut si a simtit ca se potrivesc perfect cu tema nuntii sale. mai am  sa va arat doua modele asa ca vor mai fi postari pe aceasta tema. Aceste invitatii au un stil senin si foarte curat, stil care se intampla sa-mi placa foarte mult.

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