Browsing through folders with images of the invitations that I've been making last year, I came across these: Alexandra's wedding invitations. She really wanted some invitationsthat should represent her, because she likes butterflies so much. I opted for these velvet butterflies in order to give dimension to the invitation appearance . The silver frame comes as an accent meant to give a precious and noble aura to these feminine invitations. The butterfly arrangement is made so as to suggest the flight ... And to go all the way with the idea of "handmade" I opted for making these envelopes which were enriched with a silver rose.
Rasfoind prin folderele cu imagini ale invitatiilor pe care le-am facut anul trecut, am dat peste acestea: invitatiile Alexandrei. Ea si-a dorit foarte mult niste invitatii care sa o reprezinte, intrucat ii plac fluturii atat de mult. Am optat pentru acesti fluturi din catifea pentru a da dimensiune aspectului invitatiei. Rama argintie vine ca un accent menit sa dea o aura pretioasa si nobila acestei invitatii feminine. Aranjarea fluturilor este facuta astfel incat sa sugereze zborul...Si pentru a merge pana la capat cu ideea " handmade" am optat pentru confectionarea unor plicuri imbogatite cu un trandafir argintiu.
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