miercuri, 18 ianuarie 2012
Hats Off! / Jos Palaria!
There were twenty of them plus thye gift card holder that I was talking about in my previous post.It sure takes a great amount of geometry knowledges to make these table centerpieces! I had a post last year about some top hat buttonieres that I had made, so... this is The Wedding. It's late so no more comments:)
The wedding decor wears Bianca's signature.
Un comentariu:
Ha, ha. Eu exact asa ceva faceam la geometrie in spatiu: Mergeam acasa si imi faceam corpurile din carton. Nu stiam eu pe atunci unde ma va conduce viata.
La literatura engleza pictam scene din operele studiate pe cartoane uriase pe care lipeam coji de oua sa iasa ca un mozaic. Abia acum fac legatura.
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