I made these items for Bianca's client, from DecordeNunta.
I think she was a very interesting person , since she opted for some less conventional wedding items: twenty chocolate brown top hats decorated with pink peonies , which of course I made them myself ( just the top hats, the flower work is Bianca's credit ).
I'll come back with some conclusive pictures.

Starting from this idea, I made some boutonnieres for representative persons :parents, godparents ...

The green accents (the printing and the small patches of color on the boutonnieres) were inserted with the thought of the contrast made by the fresh green leaves of the soft pink peonies with chocolate brown shade of the top hats.I can't wait to show you the arrangements in question.

the table numbers and menus have been designed inm order to match with the whole wedding theme .

Am facut aceste accesorii pentru o clienta a Biancai de la DecordeNunta.
Cred ca a fost o persoana foarte interesanta, de vreme ce a optat pentru niste decoruri de masa mai putin conventionale: douazeci de jobene, pe care bineinteles le-am confectionat tot eu ( doar jobenele, de flori este raspunzatoare Bianca).
Voi reveni cu niste poze concludente. Plecand de la ideea aceasta, am facut si niste cocarde in aceeasi nota pentru persoanele reprezentative: parinti, nasi...
Numerele de masa si meniurile au fost astfel gandite incat sa se potriveasca cu intreaga tema a nuntii. Accentele verzi ( tiparitul si micile pete de culoare de pe butoniere) au fost inserate cu gandul la contrastul pe care frunzele de un verde proaspat ale bujorilor, il fac cu nuanta de maro ciocolatiu a jobenelor.m Abia astept sa va arat si aranjamentele cu pricina
: )))
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