I made eighteen copies of this elegant prom invitation. Why eighteen?
Well the answer is because this is the number of highscool teachers that had to be impressed by the teens they had guided for four years; the highschool years with all their emotions: the first startles of love, the boldness...

Am facut optsprezece exemplare ale aceste invitatii. De ce optsprezece? pentru ca atatia profesori a trebuit sa fie impresionati de cei pe care i-au calauzit timp de patru ani; patru ani dificili marcati de primele tresariri ale dragostei , de indrazneala...

The text contains some lyrics which were composed by the students.These lyrics are showing their gratitude towards the techers and their teachings.
Textul contine niste versuri compuse de elevi. Aceste versuri demonstreaza multumirea lor fata de dascali si invataturile lor.

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