I want to show you some Venetian masks, Volto type, 100% handmade: from molding to finishings. I made these masks in two series: the first of 170 pieces and other of 150 copies .

The common point: the turquoise shades that I used to paint them, lots of fethers and the golden patina.

For the first series here is a set of photos taken by Claudia Halip : From what is seen there was a very beautiful wedding full of glamour and charm of Venice ..
The second wedding was more youthful, namely that of Iustina, for whom I made these invitations. She wanted to give guests a part of the wedding decor, in this case the venetian masks that were used in decorating the seats. The wedding decor, the flower arangements were made by Bianca from DecordeNunta

I am very pleased with how they came out, in both cases.
Ce va arat acum sunt niste masti venetiene de tip Volto, 100% handmade,de la turnare pana la finisaje. Am executat aceste masti in 2 serii : prima de 170 de bucati si cealalta de 150 de exemplare. Punctul comun: nuantele turcoaz pe care le-am folosit la pictarea lor .
Pentru prima serie iata un set de fotografii facute de Claudia Halip: Din ce se vede a fost o nunta plina de glamour si de farmecul Venetiei..
A doua nunta a fost mai tinereasca, respectiv cea a Iustinei, pentru care am facut aceste invitatii. Ea si-a dorit sa daruiasca invitatilor o parte din decorul de nunta, in speta aceste masti care au fost folosite la decorare scaunelor.
Decorul de Nunta si aranjamentele florale au fost facute de Bianca de la DecordeNunta
Sunt foarte multumita de cum au iesit in ambele cazuri
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