miercuri, 4 ianuarie 2012

Bucovina Wedding Fair - Part II / Targul de Nunti Bucovina- Partea a II-a

I'm in the middle of a general cleaning ... among my pc files and things that I collected last year, and I found this photos of the Bucovina Wedding Fair and I remembered that I've promised you to return with a new post; well too late, but here I am... This is an arrangement that Bianca wanted to supplement with a proper wedding stationery; just my type: a luxurious combination of imperial purple and gold combination; rather hard to digest if you somehow do not fit the theme.
I want to draw attention on the gift card holder tophat shaped which was a challenge for me, being the first one I ever made ( I made ​​dozens since then, including table centerpieces). The material is a precious golden brown taffeta with a very sheer shimmery blue marquetries. I'm sorry I do not have a better framework to show it to you. Sunt in toiul curateniei generale... printre fisiere si lucrurile pe care le-am adunat anul trecut si am gasit aceste fotografii de la Targul de Nunti Bucovina si mi-am amintit ca v-am promis sa revin cu o postare noua; cam tarziu, dar iata: Acesta e un aranjament pe care Bianca avrut sa-l completeze cu o papetarie de nunta adecvata. Exact tipul meu :o combinatie luxoasa de mov imperial si auriu- o combinatie greu de digerat daca nu cumva te potrivesti cu tema. as vrea sa atrag atentia asupra casei de bani in forma de joben care a fost o provocare pentru mine, fiind primul pe care l-am facut vreodata( am mai facut zeci de atunci, inclusiv piese centrale pentru aranjamente de masa. Materialul este o pretioasa tafta cu intarsii de un albastru luminos si foarte diafan.

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