I am absolutely thrilled with how came out this wedding invitation .... it is just a simple proof of the fact that "Handmade Work" can generate valuable and noble things. I wanted to obtain a glamorous, elegant and precious look, so I've decided to take advantage of the benefits of velvet at maximum. What could be more precious?

And because I wanted to strengthen these invitations sophisticated image I used black lace which adds depth
to this object.

I hope that will suit the tastes of a future bride,whose personality I' ve been trying to summarize in this beautiful invitation. The whole theme of the wedding will be forming around this wedding invitation, so yeah, I've just aimed to create an invitation with personality.

Although the box is simple, a small detail, like the velvet butterfly is meant to sweeten the whole look . The black rhinestone on the butterfly was added like a preamble to the surprise from the box.

And, to conclude, the photos above are showing that it is very important to me
discovering my new valences, which were beeing unknown to me or others so far.
Sunt absolut incantata de modul cum a iesit aceasta invitatie de nunta.... pur si simplu aceasta este o marturie a faptului ca lucratul de mana poate genera lucruri pretioase si nobile. Am urmarit sa obtin un aspect glamour , pretios si elegant, asa ca am hotarat sa ma folosesc la maxim de avantajele catifelei. Ce poate fi mai pretios?
Si pentru a intari imaginea sofisticata a aceste invitatii am folosit si dantel neagra care adauga profunzime acestui obiect.
Sper ca se va potrivi cu gusturile unei viitoare mirese, a carei personalitate am incercat sa o sintetizeze in aceasta frumoasa invitatie. Intreaga tema a nuntii se va forma in jurul acestei invitatii, deci,da, am vrut sa creez o invitatie cu personalitate.
Desi cutia este simpla, un mic detaliu , ca acest fluture o indulceste si o romanteaza . Strasul este adaugat pentru a fi un preambul al surprizei din cutie.
Iar, ca sa conchid, fotografiile de mai sus arata ca este foarte importanta pentru mine descoperirea unor noi valente, necunoscute mie sau altora pana acum.

And because I wanted to strengthen these invitations sophisticated image I used black lace which adds depth
to this object.

I hope that will suit the tastes of a future bride,whose personality I' ve been trying to summarize in this beautiful invitation. The whole theme of the wedding will be forming around this wedding invitation, so yeah, I've just aimed to create an invitation with personality.

Although the box is simple, a small detail, like the velvet butterfly is meant to sweeten the whole look . The black rhinestone on the butterfly was added like a preamble to the surprise from the box.

And, to conclude, the photos above are showing that it is very important to me
discovering my new valences, which were beeing unknown to me or others so far.
Sunt absolut incantata de modul cum a iesit aceasta invitatie de nunta.... pur si simplu aceasta este o marturie a faptului ca lucratul de mana poate genera lucruri pretioase si nobile. Am urmarit sa obtin un aspect glamour , pretios si elegant, asa ca am hotarat sa ma folosesc la maxim de avantajele catifelei. Ce poate fi mai pretios?
Si pentru a intari imaginea sofisticata a aceste invitatii am folosit si dantel neagra care adauga profunzime acestui obiect.
Sper ca se va potrivi cu gusturile unei viitoare mirese, a carei personalitate am incercat sa o sintetizeze in aceasta frumoasa invitatie. Intreaga tema a nuntii se va forma in jurul acestei invitatii, deci,da, am vrut sa creez o invitatie cu personalitate.
Desi cutia este simpla, un mic detaliu , ca acest fluture o indulceste si o romanteaza . Strasul este adaugat pentru a fi un preambul al surprizei din cutie.
Iar, ca sa conchid, fotografiile de mai sus arata ca este foarte importanta pentru mine descoperirea unor noi valente, necunoscute mie sau altora pana acum.
Un comentariu:
The cards are very nice and beautiful,
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