marți, 12 aprilie 2011

Elegant Wedding Invitation with Monogram / Invitatie de Nunta Eleganta cu Monograma

Thinking about the dictum "Less is more" I've created this wedding invitation using the basic the operations in handmade wedding invitations design.
I like the contrast of stylish silver accents made ​​with the purple shade of cardboard .

The monogram is the first sign that a new family will born.

This is a proposal that I've made ​​ to future bride who is guiding by the dictum from above, but who also wanted a bold color in order to obtain an exclusive look of her wedding preview.

Gandindu-ma la dictonul "Less is more" am creat aceasta invitatie de nunta folosindu-ma de procedeele de baza ale design-ului de invitatii de nunta handmade.
Imi place contrastul elegant facut de accentele argintii cu nuanta de mov a cartonului. Monograma este primul indiciu ca o noua familie se va naste.

Aceasta este o propunere pe care am facut-o unei viitoare mirese care se ghideaza dupa dictonul de mai sus, dar care si-a dorit o culoare mai indrazneata pentru a obtine un aspect exclusivist al acestei avanpremieri a nuntii.

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