I did not do more than six pieces but I had a great time.
The one with birds is of the groom; the bride wanted two birds in the nest, a metaphor for their story. They have four children together, but this marriage is for each one of them a second chance at happiness. Therefore there are four eggs in the nest;))

The one with the British royal Crown, it's for one of godfathers who lives in Britain, and the one with the skiing equipement is for the other godfather who loves skiing.

I've also made three car shaped boutonnieres,for the three little boys pairs of bridesmaids who wore these corsages.

Acestea sunt cocardele pe care le-am facut acum ceva timp pentru nunta Oanei. Remember her golden and ivory hair flower, and these corsages....
Nu am facut mai mult decat sase bucati dar m-am distrat de minune.
Cea cu pasari este a mirelui; mireasa si-a dorit doua pasarele in cuib, o metafora a povestii lor. Au impreuna patru copii, pentru fiecare insa aceasta casatorie reprezinta o a doua sansa la fericire. De aceea sunt patru oua in cuib.
Cea cu coroana britanica regala, este pentru unul dintre nasi care locuieste in Marea Britanie, iar cea cu schiuri este pentru celalalt naș care adora schiul.
Am mai realizat de asemeni trei cocarde in forma de masinute ,
pentru cei trei baietei perechi ale domnisoarelor de onoare care au purtat aceste corsaje.
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