duminică, 6 februarie 2011

Oana's Wedding Hair Flower and Corsages / Corsajele de Nunta si Floarea de Par a Oanei

I made this corsage for Oana who wanted an ivory flower hair, but with golden hues . She wanted the "Salmon" flower type,but in these ivory and golden tones. Details like crystals, pearls, beads were added to give golden-pearlescent iridescents, but uncertain and not very pronounced. I used teardrop shaped faceted crystal to obtain ethereal beams of light which will sustain Oana's glamorous appeareance when lights will be surrounding and highlighting her hair and more than that...her entire appeareance. this crystals have both nice iridescents in natural and rtificial light, but especially in artificial light because they are refracting and separating it in nice colored beams of light.

Oana also wanted three colored corsages for her little bridesmaids who are between 2 and 7 years old . These corsages were adapted for their black and purple colored dresses, so I used a light shaded gray satin combined with purple veil, purple marabou feathers and some yarns from a peacock feather. I wanted to get a more airy and less pretentious look, but still suitable for a special event like a wedding :

Some funny boutonnieres for men will follow ... I'm not saying more:)))))

Am facut acest corsaj pentru Oana care si-a dorit o floare de par ivory dar cu nuante de auriu. Ea si-a dorit modelul "Salmon" dar in aceste tonuri. Detaliile gen cristale , perle, margelute au fost adaugate pentru a conferi irizatii aurii-sidefate dar incerte si nu foarte accentuate. Am folosit cristale fatetate in forma de lacrima pentru a obtine raze de lumina ce vor sustine la imaginea glamour a Oanei atunci cand luminile o vor invalui, evidentiindu-i coafura si mai mult... intreaga imagine. Acestea au irizatii placute atat in lumina naturala., dar mai ales in lumina artificiala pe care o refracta si o separa in fascicule colorate.

Oana a vrut deasemeni trei corsaje pentru micutele ei domnisoare de onoare care sunt in varsta de 2- 7 ani. Aceste corsaje au fost adaptate la culoarea rochitelor: negru si mov, asa ca am recurs la o nuanta deschis de gri satinat combinat cu voal mov, pene marabu mov si fire de pene de paun. Am vrut sa obtin un aspect mai aerisit si mai putin pretentios dar totusi pretabil pentru un eveniment special cum ar fi o nunta...

Vor mai urma si cateva boutonnieres haioase pentru barbati... Nu spun mai mult:)))

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