It was a great challenge to create them, but by working closely with the bride, Bianca, we got our ideas all mixed up together and here is the result:

An elegant wedding invitation, distinguished, sophisticated but, yes, yet very simple! All wrapped in navy blue velvet.

The execution of each copy was a real pain: great attention to the adhesion of velvet, not to make creases, air bubbles, yet not to mention the box: a simple thing became so complicated!

It helped me a lot and this Wedding Inspiration Board:
Photo Credit Project Wedding

Among other things: I have a lot of work, my belly is growing, but I am veeeeeeeeeery happy!
Nu pot sa ma opresc din a admira aceasta invitatie...
A fost o mare provocare crearea ei, dar printr-o stransa colaborare cu mireasa, Bianca, am ajuns sa ne impletim ideile si iata rezultatul:
O invitatie eleganta, distinsa, sofisticata dar totusi simpla si da! invelita toata in catifea de culoare albastru navy.
A fost o durere executia fiecarui exemplar: multa atentie la adeziunea catifelei, sa nu faca cute, bule de aer,dar ce sa mai vorbesc de cutie: un lucru simplu a devenit atat de complicat!
M-a ajutat foarte mult si acest wedding inspiration board.
Printre altele: am o multime de lucru, burta imi creste, dar sunt fooooarte fericita!
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