This is a model that I got while I was playing with colors .... Based on the combination of yellow and brown, a nice warm combination, I added accents of color as these decorative butterflies or the flowers in rectangle from the box cover.

I think that looks sunny and happy, slightly flower power.
I'm visualizing an outdoor wedding , with colorful butterflies and freshly picked flowers from the garden, under a clear immaculate sky. I hear music, a rather unconventional sound for such an event, maybe a guitar ... And people are really very happy...

Acesta este un model la care am ajuns jucandu-ma cu culorile.... Plecand de la combinatia de galben si maro, o combinatie calda, am adaugat accente de culoare precum acesti fluturi sau florile din dreptunghiul decorativ de pe capacul cutiei.
Mi se pare ca are un aspect insorit si vesel, un pic flower power.
Vizualizez o nunta in aer liber, cu fluturi colorati si flori proaspat culese din gradina, sub un cer senin, imaculat. Aud o muzica neconventionala pentru un eveniment de gen, poate o chitara ... Iar oamenii sunt chiar fericiti.

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