vineri, 28 ianuarie 2011

"Love Birds " Wedding Invitation / "Invitatie de Nunta " Porumbei Indragostiti"

I like very much the romantic and simple layout of this invitation so I wanted it to show it to you. But the camera could not capture the full beauty of details: for example satin appearance of the two white doves or the tiny glazed whte spots on the surface of this invitation.

The white cardstock has a very nice canvas like texture that highlights the text when printed.The goldie-bronze shades along with the satin accents are giving a noble aspect to this invitation, but discreet enough to fit a refined, but not too opulent, wedding.

The interior with embossed details and golden patina for enriching the texture:
Interiorul cu detalii embosate si patina aurie pentru a imbogati textura:

Imi place tare mult aspectul romantic si simplu al acestei invitatii asa ca am vrut sa v-o arat si voua. Totusi aparatul de fotografiat nu a putut surprinde in intregime frumusetea detaliilor: spre exemplu aspectul satinat al celor doi porumbei sau punctele albe satinate de pe suprafata invitatiei.
Cartonul alb are o textura panzata care evidentiaza foarte frumos textul , atunci cand este tiparita. Nuantele de auriu spre broz impreuna cu accentele satinate, confera invitatiei un aspect nobil, dar destul de discret pentru a se potrivi unei nunti rafinate, dar nu prea opulente.

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