Although I'm not used to make public the projects that I'm working on until the "beneficiaries" have received them, or have used them in "The Big Day" , here I am making an exception and showing you a version of a project that I've been working on lately :))
Can you figure out the theme? I'm not telling you more until the right time comes.
I trully can say that this invitation is one of my favorites: firstly, because it is purple, secondly because it has this... "royal" look. I can assure you that more versions of the same theme will follow, a theme that you'll have to guess.
This invitation is "pocket fold style" ,a style which, in our country, is becoming increasingly popular.
Desi, nu obisnuiesc sa fac publice proiectele la care lucrez, decat dupa ce "beneficiarii" le-au primit sau le-au folosit in ziua mare, iata ca fac o exceptie si va arat o varianta a unui proiect la care am lucrat in ultimul timp:))
Va puteti da seama despre tema? Eu nu spun mai multe pana la momentul potrivit.
Pot spune insa ca aceasta invitatie este printre preferatele mele: in primul rand pentru ca este mov, in al doilea rand pentru ca are acest aspect ... " regal". Va pot asigura ca vor mai urma si alte variante ale aceleiasi teme pe care va las sa o ghiciti.
Aceasta invitatie este in stilul " buzunar", un stil care incepe sa devina din ce in ce mai popular in tara noastra.
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