As you , my followers, can see
I do not tend exposing sketches or prototypes on my blog until after exposing them to the bridal couple
Here is an example of stationery set designed for rustic wedding, but not so embellished... it should be appropriate to a beautiful spring day.
Finally, the bride dropped out this idea, but I find that this set came out very nice so I decided to show it you, too.
The white cardstock, slightly textured and matte appearance combined with natural hemp twine and natural raffia is complemented by small splashes of green meant to evoke the rebirth of nature, until recently dormant...
For the wedding will take place in May, this is the concept I've been trying to capture!
Dupa cum puteti vedea, eu nu obisnuiesc sa expun pe blog schite sau prototipuri decat dupa ce le voi fi aratat si mirilor.
Iata un exemplu de papetarie conceputa pentru o nunta rustica, dar nu foarte decorata.
Ar fi trebuit sa fie potrivita unei zile frumoase de primavara...
In sfarsit, mireasa a renuntat la ele, dar eu gasesc ca au iesit foarte reusite asa ca am decis sa vi le arat.
Cartonul alb , mat usor texturat in combinatie cu aspectul natural al sforii de canepa si al rafiei naturale, este completat de stropul de culoare verde, menit sa evoce renasterea naturii, pana nu demult adormita...
pentru ca nunta are loc in luna mai.
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