I must confess that I study my blog statistics every morning. It helps me a lot, especially knowing your desires regarding wedding stationeries. I'm always trying to mold myself on top searches without becomming common. It's very important for me and my small bussiness to create and keep a distinctive note during the creation process. For those who are asking me how do I succeed, this is the response: originality, very few compromises, lot of work, sometimes sleepless nights...
In the picture below there is a model created last summer for a bride who wanted a more dramatic version for her butterfly themed wedding cards. Usually, for this theme the colors are sheer, ethereal, in nice shades of white , ivory, pink. I like what came out by putting togheter two contrasting colors such as fuchsia and black. I also think that the combination between plain cardstock and the velvet accent provides a unique touch . This is my style: the contrast - a surprising combination of either different materials or, by very different color palletes . Because of my passion for strong colors and heavy textures I try to combine them each time the theme allows me.
So enjoy my vision for A Butterfly Wedding Theme!
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