vineri, 12 octombrie 2012

Invitation for a Fall Wedding / Invitatii pentru o Nunta de Toamna

For orders pace has slowed down and because I have more time for the things that I neglected  so long, here I have decided  to reorganize the files with photos of my work over the year. And because we are in full autumn we wanted to show these wedding invites. There are two versions of the same fall theme. Here's one of them ...

The idea of two color versions for the same box began from a mistake that I've made. Interesting is'n it?

An earthy feeling...

Here are two ears of wheat that are merging and begining a new cycle after "being cut" from their lifes before. What a metaphor!

I like the way a wintry atmosphere is installing , a state that will allow me to, at least until the begining of next year, take more care of the loved ones and  things that I love: for instance the preparation of the prototypes for next season, which involves a deeply creative process...

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