Thinking about an early May wedding , I played a bit ...
The result: these wedding invitations which I find very delicious. I visualized an wedding which will take place in a natural, fresh,spring-summer setting, that will abound in natural elements and fresh colors.
The refreshing clean image of these wedding invitations had started from the wedding cake which will be served on a bed of savory cherries, as the future bride, Adriana, has described.
And as I will be a mom soon, imagine my cravings ;))))))
Gandindu-ma despre o nunta timpurie de mai, m-am jucat un pic...
Rezultatul: aceste invitatii ,care mi se par chiar delicioase. Am vizualizat o nunta care va avea loc intr-un cadru natural proaspat, primavaratic, in care elementele naturale vor abunda.
Imaginea curata revigoranta a acestor invitatii a pornit de la tortul de nunta, care va fi servit pe un pat de cirese apetisante, dupa cum a descris chiar Adriana, mireasa.
Si cum eu voi fi mamica, in curand, imaginati-va poftele mele;)))))
A simpler version of the same theme:
O versiune mai simpla cu aceeasi tema :

I could not restrain myself, so I've made also a red version:
Nu am putut sa ma abtin asa ca am facut si o varianta rosie:

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