I called it so, because this is the image that I'm having in my mind when I'm looking at the carriage from the cover of this invitation. I imagine a ballroom where nice ladies are agitating the fan with graceful movements, hoping that they will be invited by young gentlemen to dance ...
I imagine the glowing crystal chandeliers and noble lace, feathers and precious jewels embellishing the look of young girls and ladies, I also imagine an orchestra playing the most famous musical scores while the first shy or passionate romances are blossoming.
My imaginary exercise ends with partygoers departure in carriages which are decorated carefully with fine meticulously works in precious wood;these carriages are showing the statute of those who attended the ball...
Well, in this framework began a fiery love story that will continue after the rushed secret leaving of a beautiful princess ...
Am numit-o asa pentru ca asta am in minte cand privesc imaginea trasurii de pe coperta acestei invitatii. Imi imaginez o sala de bal, domnisoare frumoase care agita evantaiul cu miscari gratioase, in speranta ca un tinerii domni le vor invita la un vals...
Imi imaginez candelabre stralucitoare de cristal nobil si dantela, pene si bijuterii pretioase care infrumuseteaza imaginea fetelor si a doamnelor; deasemeni imi imaginez o orchestra care canta cele mai faimoase partituri in timp ce se infiripa timid sau pasional primele povesti de dragoste.
exercitiul meu imaginar se incheie cu plecarea petrecaretilor in calesti decorate minutios cu lucrari fine in lemn pretios, calesti care arata statutul celor care au participat la bal...
Ei bine, in acest cadru a inceput o poveste de dragostea arzatoare, ce va continua si dupa plecarea secreta si in grabita a frumoasei domnite.
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