joi, 9 septembrie 2010

A dream wedding / O nunta de vis

In sfarsit voi avea albumul de nunta pe care l-am asteptat atat. Tin sa va spun ca a iesit mult mai bine decat originalul :). Glumesc, am avut doar sansa sa am langa mine, in ziua marelui eveniment, numai oameni profesionisti si cred ca si foarte buni psihologi ca prea au iesit toate cum am vrut eu...

At least i'm going to receive the wedding album that i've been waiting for. I must say it came out much better than the original:). Kidding, just that i had the chance to have close to me only professionals and i think they are also rather good psychologists - as all the happenings came out as i wanted...

You can use the link in the title of this post to see a few photographs of me and my husband at our wedding; just click and you are going to be send straight to Claudia Halip web page.

Cateva fotografii aveti in link-ul din titlu; dati doar click si va trimite direct in pagina Claudiei Halip.

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I feel like I'm beeing followed / Ma simt urmarita

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