When Alexandra and her future husband were discribing what they are wishing for their wedding invitation I said "WOW - A Brand New Challenge!" The more so they have chosen the type of cardstock and paper by themselves... I think they were very inspired !
I like what came out: the fresh and natural look of these wedding invitations completed by the elegant touch added by this text printed parchment paper. It has pearly shimmering spots that give a nice ethereal look to the whole creation.
By the way: it's for the very first time that I'm using the envelobox as a container for a wedding invitation. I'm finding it more suitable in this case, don't you think?
Cand mi-au povestit Alexandra si viitorul ei sot ce isi doresc in legatura cu invitatiile lor de nunta, am spus Oau! - o noua provocare. Cu atat mai mult cu cat ei si-au ales singuri hartia si cartonul din care vor fi facute. Si cred ca au facut o alegere foarte inspirata; m-am indragostit de aspectul proaspat al acestei invitatii dar si de eleganta hartiei pergament pe care e tiparit textul. Aceasta are pete sidefii care dau un aspect foarte diafan. Deasemenea, este pentru prima data cand fac acest envelobox ca recipient pentru o invitatie de nunta. Il gasesc mai potrivit in acest, caz nu credeti?
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