joi, 18 noiembrie 2010

Santa's Christmas Card / Felicitarea Mosului de Craciun

I looooove Christmas Spirit: the aroma of freshly grated orange peel, the cinnamon scent, the first snowflakes, the very first sensation of frozen nose, the icy snow in my muffler...
This is my childhood Christmas...
Do you remember:

"The small slay is running,
Nobody can reach it..."

It doesn't rhyme in english :))))))))

Iubesc Spiritul Craciunului: aroma cojii de portocale proaspat rase, parfumul scortisoarei, primii fulgi, prima senzatie de nas inghetat, zapada inghetata din fularul meu...
Acesta este Craciunul copilariei mele...
Va amintiti?

"Saniuta fugeee,
Nimeni n-o ajunge...."

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